New Year

My usual New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. But, after abdominal surgery in September, that resolution is unnecessary. The weight keeps dropping off me and I have another surgery scheduled in January.
My resolution for 2014 is to live, just live. And to take care of myself. I joined AARP this morning, something I have been meaning to do since I turned 55, five years ago. This morning, I announced to the world on Facebook that I had promised myself to finally begin my life-long goal of climbing all 46 of the Adirondack High Peaks. And I made plans with an old friend to do it.
I went out this afternoon to run the last few errands of 2013. I stopped by the pharmacy to pick up some Alleve for my arthritis and for the first-time bought moisturizer in an anti-wrinkle formula. At least I can do something about the wrinkles now bracketing my smile.
My stop at Parkwood Wines garnered two small bottles of Proseco for our toast this evening. I reluctantly passed on the Peach Moonshine next to the cash register. No hard liquor for me now.
I went to the Meat Market to pick up a good quality roast to make for New Year’s Day. And bought some excellent milk while I was there. All part of my plan to eat the best quality food I can afford, and to make sure I can afford the best quality.
At Staples, instead of the industrial strength, plain desk calendar I usually get for $7.99, I bought the Claude Monet illustrated desk calendar for $10.69. The illustration for November 2014 is my favorite, Houses of Parliament. It reminds me of my 21st year, spent in the basement of the House of Commons, writing letters to constituents for the Vice-Chairman of the Conservative Party during what was the best summer of my life.
Finally, I stopped into Oliva! to buy some lemon infused olive oil. The shop specializes in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I had never been inside before but I had used all of the lemon olive oil my daughter had given me during the summer. I figured an olive oil specialty store would surely carry it. The woman at the check-out was chatting with a customer as I filled a small bottle with the lemon-infused oil. I heard her tell the other woman that she had survived breast cancer this year. The other woman hugged her. I asked if I could hug her too.
We shared our cancer experiences as she rang me up. Then we segued into other topics. We ended the conversation as “new” friends and promises of book signings, sequels and olive oil tastings.
I took charge this morning. I promised myself to do more for myself and to be more aware of life. As the sun sets now on 2013, I have a smile on my face, plans for new adventures and a sense that life is good and may soon be better. That is my resolution this year and my wish for you.

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